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Every citizen's vote is sacred. The vote is how we guarantee that our government remains of the people, by the people, and for the people. Americans need and deserve elections that they can trust. Legitimate voters should be able to vote in privacy without being harassed, secure in the knowledge that their vote will not be lost, stolen, altered, or negated by a vote cast by an illegitimate voter. Americans need and deserve a transparent system in which fraud can be easily detected and false allegations of fraud can be easily dispelled. Americans need and deserve a system in which it is easy to vote and hard to cheat.

As a reminder, however, even the best laws are not worth much if responsible officials do not enforce them rigorously. It is up to the citizens of each state to make sure that their elected and appointed public officials do just that. 

True Election Integrity 
The following represent ideas to improve integrity in Ohio's elections and across our country. This information is presented to begin the discussion and is not a promotion or endorsement on any of the ideas presented. 

 The Ten Points to True Election Integrity by Capt. Seth Keshel:   
    1. Clean out the voter rolls 
    2. Ban all electronic elections equipment

    3. Voter id with paper ballots only 
    4. Ban mail-In voting
    5. Ban early voting
    6. Drastically smaller precincts
    7. Ban ballot harvesting
    8. Election Day is a holiday
    9. New reporting requirements for tr
    10. Heavy prison sentences for all who commit fraud
system designed to manufacture posts.JPG
Look Ahead America Voter Integrity Reform Policy Objectives include:
  1. Thumbprint authentication of absentee ballots
   2. Mandated and Public Voter List Hygiene to ensure the list of registered voters contains only those eligible to cast ballots.
      Processes may include: 
          . Shared interstate residency databases
          . Non-citizen matching using USCIS SAVE database
          . National Change of Address list
          . Social Security Death Index and Master Death File matching 
3. Ban on the use of "Black Box" voting equipment susceptible to undetected hacking and manipulation. Mandate all election equipment use open-source software and design that is available for inspection and review by the public and ensure validity and accuracy of vote counting. 
4.  Appointment of a Citizens Election Supervisory Committee to help restore the trust of the pubic in election outcomes. 
5. Creation and sufficient funding for a dedicated voter fraud investigation division within the state's Attorney General's office. 
6. Equitable distribution of private contributions to election operations, applicable to contributions beyond a certain threshold.  
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Thirty Reasoned Recommendations for US Election Integrity
Primary Authors - Jared Black, Stu Cvrk, Paul deWitt, John Droz, Garrett Ziegler
Prior to Election Day:
  1. No change to election  laws and regulations within 180 days of election
  2. Primary elections should be closed.
  3. All votes, regardless of voting method, shall be held to equal standards.
  4. States would have 1+ week advance in-person voting, at convenient locations for every precinct.
  5. Absentee voting would be allowed only in specialized circumstances.
  6. Drop boxes would be prohibited.

  7. It would be illegal to do ballot harvesting.
  8. It would be illegal for any state, county or precinct to accept third-party election-related funds. 

On Election Day:
  9. Election Day would be a national holiday.
10. All absentee ballots must be received by Election Day. 
11. Provide voter assistance where needed.
12. Legal ID would be required when voting. 
13. Illegal to have any voting machine (or connected server) accessible from the Internet.
14. Election Day voting would end at 5pm local time. 

After the Polls Close on Election Day: 
15. All absentee and early-voting ballots would be tabulated & reported first.
16. Election observers are allowed complete access to the election process.
17. Fixing devicient ballots (or mail-in envelopes) is restricted and must be fully transparent. 
18. All counties would be required to report their election results in a standardized format with a separate vote toeal for absentee vs. in-person. 
19. Sample forensic audits are automatic. 
20. Chain of custody must be maintained for all ballots for at least 22 months.
21. Negative vote tabulations (e.g. Edison) are prohibited without detailed transparent supporting data.
22. All eligible US citizens should be automatically registered to vote. 

23. Every state is required to annually update their election rolls. 
24. Rules prohibiting non-citizens from voting are tightened.
25. A national 800 number and website is established for citizens to report possible improper election actions. 

26. Uniform requirements for state vote 'certification'. 
27. State legislatures and citizens have legal standing to file election-related lawsuits. 
28. Give very serious consideration to eliminating all Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs). Touch-screen EVMs shouldn't be allowed as here is no real audit trail.
29. State recall rules must be consistent with state election rules. 
30. An equally-weighted bipartisan Federal commission is created in 2022 to research and issue a public report on the voting rules and regulations of European countries, Canada, Mexico and Australia. Federal and state legislators should consider modifying election rules based on the report
Recent Activity in Election Integrity by Other States
Michigan election integrity activists website.JPG
Michigan citizens clean up their own voter rolls after government officials failed to act. In Wisconsin, it costs $12,500 for a single download of the statewide voter registration file while the government has done nothing to eliminate the fee or clean up voter rolls. In Ohio, there is no charge for statewide voter registration file downloads, but very little has been done by the state government to clean up voter rolls.  
2023.06.27 GA pulls machines from budget.JPG

Arkansas County Rejects Voting Machines  Cleburne County voted to remove voting machines from elections, making it a 'paper ballot' county. Arkansas law gives each county the right to choose their voting process. 

Wisconsin Lawmakers Introduce Common Sense Legislation  Two brave state legislators bucked Leadership to introduce a bill to completely scrub Wisconsin's voter rolls of approximately 3.6 to 3.8 million extra ineligible 'inactive' non-registered voter names that are co-mingled with the approximate 3.6 million eligible 'active' registered voter names.

Citizen Rights and Responsibilities (page 9)
Voting is a powerful right for citizens in free societies - but with every right comes responsibilities. These include researching candidates and issues, show up to vote during hours of operation, bring adequate identification, properly fill out a ballot, file an absentee ballot if circumstances severely restrict the ability to vote in person, be informed about election and vote integrity issues and get involved with state and local government to prioritize election and vote integrity. Take meaningful actions to minimize election irregularities and restore public confidence in the electoral process.  The restoration of election integrity is of vital importance in preserving our constitutional republic.
ohio buckeye logo.jpg does not endorse any candidate. Information on this site has been produced by

Ohio citizen volunteers researching Ohio's elections and is believed to be the Truth, but is not guaranteed.

Use discernment and do your own research to confirm. 

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