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An informed public is evil's worst enemy. Below are many videos, reports and documents regarding the 2020 Presidential Election that may have been censored or suppressed by the Mockingbird mainstream media. Also included are local, state and national citizen Election Integrity sites, federal election law references and Founding Father documents.  Watch, listen, read, join and share. 
Let My People Go is a modern day deliverance story rooted in biblical themes and archetypes, but instead of examining the bondage of the children of Israel by Pharoah, the film focuses on the bondage of the American people. "Pharoah" is replaced by a wholly infiltrated and weaponized US government directly and indirectly influenced by CCP and Marxist forces. The film presents two overlapping narratives of America's enslavement. The first form of slavery is achieved using proprietary 'black boxes' and software, where swamp candidates are selected rather than elected. Massive ballot harvesting operations provide the paper trail to cover up the greatest crime in our nation's history-the removal of Donald J Trump. The second form of slavery focuses on the real-life consequences of the Americans who gathered and protested the theft of their votes on November 3rd-the January Sixers-that now languish in prison.  
2000 Mules Trailer Widespread, coordinated illegal ballot trafficking networks exposed in the 2020 election using geotracking and video evidence.
                                                                         2000 Mules Full Movie below                                      
The Ultimate 2020 Election Fraud Investigative Report  View and share one of the most comprehensive videos of 2020 election fraud which includes: statistical anomalies, eyewitnesses and video evidence, massive amounts of unsolicited mail-in ballots, cyber security and foreign interference, and Dominion machines connected to the internet.
The Navarro Report  Demonstrates that the 2020 Presidential election results were a result of widespread fraud and election irregularities. 
 Volume One: The Immaculate Deception
     Volume Two: The Art of the Steal
     Volume Three: Yes, President Trump Won-The Case, Evidence, & Statistical Receipts 
US 2020 Election Fraud At A Glance  The US 2020 Presidential Election counted a record-breaking 158 million votes, 22 million higher than the previous election, and was decided by less than 43,000 votes. In the days and weeks following, many anomalies, eyewitness accounts and sworn testimonies emerged showing election tampering, yet were overlooked or minimized by mainstream media and officials who obstructed open and transparent audits of the result.
Ohio 2020 Election Fraud At A Glance  Variety of reports available describing 2020 Ohio election issues. 
The Moment of Truth Summit presented by Mike Lindel.  Concerned citizens from most states describe abhorrent 2020 election issues.  
Jeff O'Donnell
        The Lone Racoon  

        Ordros Analytics, Inc.  View Cast Vote Records (CVRs). Independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization focused on election integrity. Local           public control and radical transparency are necessary for election integrity and public trust in elections.

Look Ahead America  Organize and guide patriotic citizens in lobbying their state legislatures and local governments on America First initiatives like fighting corporate censorship and ensuring voter integrity. 
The America Project - Election Victory Progress Tracker Updated news regarding election integrity wins in states across our country.

Voter Reference Foundation  View current election related news. VRF Tools provides Absentee Ballot Tracker (Ohio not on list yet), Data Transparency Scorecard, Voter Statistics   sampling of recent election fraud cases from across the United States.
Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Database  A sampling of recent election fraud cases from across the United States.
ohio buckeye logo.jpg does not endorse any candidate. Information on this site has been produced by

Ohio citizen volunteers researching Ohio's elections and is believed to be the Truth, but is not guaranteed.

Use discernment and do your own research to confirm. 

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