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The Lack of US Citizenship Verification is in Noncompliance with Federal and State Laws and the Ohio Constitution.

HAVA 52 U.S. Code § 21082 federal law requires county Boards of Elections (BOEs) to provide prompt verification of persons who cast a Provisional Ballot by affirmation to ensure they are eligible to vote when they show up at the polls and their names aren’t on the poll books.

County Boards of Elections do not have the capability to verify citizenship. It is believed the SOS does not provide citizenship verification of these Provisional Ballots for 88 county Boards of Elections.

County Boards of Elections, and the Secretary of State, as the chief Ohio election official, are not in compliance to federal and state laws when they approve these Provisional Ballots to be counted, since they have not provided verification of US citizenship eligibility.

If . . .

1. Provisional Ballots in which a person ‘affirms’ they are eligible to vote are

required to be verified for eligibility to vote, and . . .

2. one of the qualifications to be eligible to vote is US citizenship, and . . .

3. county Boards of Elections must promptly verify US citizenship, and . . .

4. since it is a fact that not all voter registrations on Ohio Voter rolls are verified

to be US citizens, and . . .

5. even though electors in the past ‘affirmed’ on their voter registration

application they were US citizens, but were later identified to be not US

citizens . . .

. . . shouldn’t ALL PROVISIONAL BALLOTS be promptly verified to be US

citizens BEFORE THEIR VOTES CAN BE COUNTED until such time as Ohio

Voter Rolls contain only US citizens?

. . . shouldn’t ALL BALLOTS, not just Provisional, be promptly verified to be US

citizens BEFORE THEIR VOTES CAN BE COUNTED until such time as Ohio Voter

Rolls contain only US citizens?

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