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BUTLER: Are thousands of votes 11/3/2020 with a Registration Date after the deadline valid?

Based on a 12/4/2020 statewide voter registration file download:

  • 6,478 voter records have a Registration Date of 10/6/2020 or after.

  • 5,160 voter records have a Registration Date of 10/6/2020 or after and voted in the 11/3/2020 election.

  • 4,785 voter records have a Registration Date of 11/3/2020 and voted in the 11/3/2020 election.

Ohio Revised Code states an individual must be registered to vote for at least thirty days to vote in an upcoming election:

Ohio's Election Systems may allow changes to a voter registration record to update Registration Date. For example, an individual goes to vote on election day and has an address change not previously recorded on their voter registration record. They can vote a provisional ballot and once processed, their Registration Date may change to Election Day or the date the provisional ballot was processed. So at least some of the 5,160 individuals who voted on 11/3/2020 with a Registration Date within 30 days of an election may be legitimate votes.

There were 4,344 total provisional ballots counted in Butler County for the 11/3/2020 election. If every single provisional ballot was a result of a voter record change that updated Registration Date (which is virtually impossible), there are still a minimum of 816 unexplained votes from voter records with a Registration Date after the deadline to register and voted in the 11/3/2020 election.

Inquiring Minds Want To Know . . .

How many of the 5,160 voter records that voted in the 11/3/2020 election with a Registration Date within 30 days of the election are legitimate votes?

  • How could all of the 4,785 votes from registered voter records with an 11/3/2020 Registration Date be valid if there are less than 4,785 provisional ballots?

  • What about the other 375 votes from voter records with a Registration Date of 10/9/2020, 10/13/2020, 10/20/2020, 10/22/2020, 10/23/2020, 10/27/2020, 10/28/2020, 11/1/2020, 11/2/2020, 11/12/2020, 11/14/2020, 11/24/2020?

  • How many provisional ballots actually resulted in a Registration Date change?

  • Is there another reason the minimum 816 unexplained votes from voter records with a Registration Date after the deadline to register and vote in the 11/3/2020 election are legitimate votes?

These unanswered questions were presented to Butler County Board of Elections in October 2022.

This issue is not limited to Butler County; other counties have this same issue.

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