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following Nov 3 2020 
elections belong to the ppl-abe lincoln.JPG
*** CONSTITUTION ***  Ohio Voters Side with Abortion Lobby, Defeat Proposal Backed by Pro-Lifers Ohio voters shot down Issue 1 by a wide margin August 8, 2023 in a special election. Issue 1 would have changed the process to amend the Ohio constitution by raising the threshold from a simple 50% plus one majority vote to a 60% requirement. Issue 1's defeat comes ahead of a vote on the constitution amendment proposal backed by the ACLU and Planned Parenthood. The ambiguously worded proposal, deceptively titled "The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety" will go before the voters in November 2023 and has been universally criticized by pro-lifers for enabling abortion until birth without parental consent. Turnout was atypically high for the August special election. More than 533,000 people early voted by mail or in-person, nearly double the early voting in the two most recent statewide primary elections for governor and the legislature. 
2023 SB71 The DATA Act:
Status:  Ohio citizens presented a number of proposed improvements to SB71 The DATA Act (see Blog and Additional Details              below) to the Secretary of State's office, House Representatives and Senators that would have made Ohio elections                                 more secure and accurate.  SB71 was included in Senate Budget 6/9/2023 without any citizen proposed                                                      improvements. SB71 without any citizen proposed improvements was inserted into HB33 Budget Bill and signed by                                  Governor DeWine 7/4/2023.
One positive item in the bill included a correction to a previously flawed Registration Date data field in which there is, in                          many cases, no way to know the original voter registration date of an individual, since                                                                                    this data field is updated whenever a voter record is updated, and perhaps every time a registered voter updates their                            driver's license or state id. This causes a large number of voter records with Registration Dates beyond the deadline to                            register and vote to be intermingled with actual voter registrations that are added to the voter rolls after the deadline                              to register and vote in an election.
Although passed into law on 7/4/2023, HB33 states the implementation date for The D
ATA Act to be by January 1, 2025 around 18        months after the bill was signed, and conveniently AFTER the November 2024 presidential election, potentially allowing yet                    another presidential election to have flawed Registration Dates on voter rolls in which eligible voter registrations will be comingled        with ineligible voter registrations with a Registration date beyond the deadline to register and vote in the November 2024                      election.    
Summary:  $5 million taxpayer funded bill that claims to bolster uniformity and transparency in Ohio elections, but in reality does          very little to improve the integrity of Ohio's elections. Citizens proposed improvements to this bill to verify citizenship, identity 
and Ohio residency, clean-up hundreds of thousands of voter registrations records and  investigate hundreds of additional voter            registrations, and to include an online repository of many public election records, including cast
vote records; however, not one              proposed citizen improvement is included.  
Additional Details 
2023 HB458 Voter Photo-ID Law
Status:  Signed into law 1/6/2023 effective 4/7/2023 
Known as a 'strict photo ID law', HB458 requires in-person voters to provide a photo-id; however, individuals can  still register to vote using a paper form without a photo-id  AND vote absentee without a photo-id. The law stays silent  regarding verification of citizenship, identity and Ohio residency  to register and vote. It allows the continued usage of drop boxes in Ohio and  allows the Secretary of State to continue to mail unsolicited absentee ballot applications that cost taxpayers over one million dollars each election.  It also allows absentee ballots to be received by mail and                counted up to 4 days following an election. 

Additional Details

"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the Republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."
                                       ~ John Adams, Letter to Jonathan Jackson 2 October 1780, "The Works of John Adams", vol 9, p.511

National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA)
        NVRA Q&A

Congress enacted NVRA aka "Motor Voter Act" to enhance voting opportunities for every American. The Act made it easier for all Americans to register to vote and maintain their registration through the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. NVRA states an individual must be a US citizen to register and to vote, but falls short of requiring verification of US citizenship. 
Help America Vote Act (HAVA)
This federal law was enacted in 2002 and creates a new federal agency for election administration, provides funding to participating states improve election administration and replace outdated voting systems, creating minimum standards for states to follow in several key areas of election administration, but remains silent on requiring verification of US citizenship. 
Election Assistance Commission (EAC)
The EAC was established by HAVA as an independent, bipartisan commission charged with helping Americans vote by ensuring election officials have the support and resources they need. The EAC creates voluntary voting system guidelines, accredits test laboratories, certifies voting systems and serves as the nation's clearinghouse of information and best practices related to elections. The EAC maintains the national mail voter registration form, and develops recommendations and standards that addresses the needs of voters, state and local election leaders, and other election stakeholders.      . 
EmpowerU Class
.  A Review of Ohio Elections 1993-2023: Are Elections Secure and Accurate in Ohio? (starts at 14 minutes) 
Powerpoint documents
.  Ohio Election Machines are not Certified (starts at 1 hr 8 min)
Powerpoint documents 
ohio buckeye logo.jpg does not endorse any candidate. Information on this site has been produced by

Ohio citizen volunteers researching Ohio's elections and is believed to be the Truth, but is not guaranteed.

Use discernment and do your own research to confirm. 

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