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HB458 Bill Analysis.JPG
2023.01 SOS Voter ID table (2).JPG
When registering to vote, an Ohio Drivers License (DL) or State ID number, or last four digits of Social Security Number (SSN) are required. SSN does not show an address; non-citizens have SSNs; Ohio Drivers License, State ID and last 4 of SSN number provided MAY NOT BE VERIFIED.
Is it possible for a bad actor to provide a fake Ohio Drivers           License and register to vote in Ohio?   
Is it possible for a bad actor to provide a fake Ohio State Id          and register to vote in Ohio?   YES.
Is it possible for a bad actor to provide any four numbers as        last 4 digits of SSN and register to vote in Ohio?   YES.
Is it possible for a non-US-citizen to provide a any four                  numbers as last 4 digits of SSN and register to vote in              Ohio?   YES.
Is it possible for a bad actor who does not live in Ohio to              provide any four numbers as last 4 digits of SSN to register      to vote in Ohio?   YES.

When an Ohio DL/ID, Military ID, US Passport, or last four digits of SSN are used as identification to Vote, there is no known verification of the identification presented. 
Is it possible for a bad actor to provide a fake Ohio DL to vote in Ohio?  YES.
Is it possible for a bad actor to provide a fake Ohio State ID to vote in Ohio?  YES.
Is it possible for a bad actor to provide a fake Military ID to vote in Ohio?  YES.
Is it possible for a bad actor to provide a fake US Passport to vote in Ohio?  YES.
When an Ohio DL/ID, Military ID or US Passport is presented as photo Identification when voting, there is no photo in which to compare to assure the person voting is the same person as the individual registered. 
Is it possible for a bad actor to vote with a photo-id that is not the same person as the name of the individual registered to vote?   YES.
A non-current address on an Ohio Drivers License, State ID or Passport is now an allowable form of identification when voting on Election Day, In-Person Absentee or Absentee by Mail.

Is it possible for a bad actor to vote using a residential address that isn't their home address?  YES.



  • When registering to vote or updating a voter registration using a paper form:

    • Ohio Drivers License /State ID number or last 4 digits of social security number (ssn) is required

      • there is no photo-id required to register to vote using a paper form as last 4 digits of ssn is acceptable

      • there is no address to verify when register to vote using a paper form and last 4 digits of ssn as ID

      • there is no known verification of Drivers License/State ID number or last 4 digits of ssn.

      • There is no possible citizenship check if last 4 digits of ssn is used as id, since legal non-citizens can have a ssn

  • When voting in-person:

    • a photo ID is generally required (but provisional ballot with last 4 digits of ssn is allowed due to religious objection):

      • the photo ID can be an unexpired Ohio drivers license, state ID, interim identification form, US passport or military ID that includes the individual’s name and photograph.

      • There is no required address verification

      • if provide a US passport to vote in-person, address verification is not possible, since there is no address on a passport 

      • if last 4 digits of ssn is provided to vote, address verification is not possible

      • if last 4 digits of ssn is provided to vote and to register to vote, there is no citizenship verification

    • elector must sign voter’s name in pollbook rather than write in pollbook

      • electronic signatures rarely resemble a signature on paper and there is no verification of the voter’s signature

  • When voting absentee in person at BOE:

    • a photo ID is generally required (but provisional ballot with last 4 digits of ssn is allowed due to religious objection)::

      • the photo ID can be an unexpired Ohio drivers license, state ID, interim identification form, US passport or military ID that includes the individual’s name and photograph.

      • there is no required address verification

      • if provide a US passport, address verification is not possible, since there is no address on a passport 

      • if last 4 digits of ssn is provided, address verification is not possible

      • if last 4 digits of ssn is provided, there is no citizenship verification

    • not sure if signature is required, but it doesn’t matter, since signature is not verified

  • When applying to vote absentee by mail or returning an absentee ballot

    • an Ohio DL/ID number or last 4 digits of ssn or copy of photo ID is required

      • the photo ID can be an unexpired Ohio drivers license, state ID, interim identification form, US passport or military ID that includes the individual’s name and photograph.

      • There is no required address verification

      • If provide a US passport (or military id?), address verification is not possible, since there is no address on a passport (or military id?) or last 4 digits of ssn

      • if last 4 digits of ssn is provided, address verification is not possible

      • if last 4 digits of ssn is provided, there is no citizenship verification

This bill is typical political double-speak “smoke and mirrors”.

It gives the illusion of safety and security when registering to vote and voting;

however, it does neither.

  • An individual can register to vote on paper using the last 4 digits of ssn as ID, then apply and vote absentee using the last 4 digits of ssn as ID. CITIZENSHIP is not verified. ADDRESS is not verified. The LAST 4 DIGITS OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER are not verified. A PHOTO-ID is not required. How does this improve voter integrity?


  • An individual can register to vote, then vote in person with a passport that has a photo-id. There are no requirements for the individual to look similar to the PHOTO-ID. ADDRESS is not verified. PASSPORT NUMBER is not verified. How does this improve voter integrity?


  • How is citizenship verification provided? Does it depends on BMV to verify citizenship if provide Ohio ID?  BMV may have outsourced operations to privately operated businesses. Who is accountable to assure BMV correctly identifies individuals who are non-citizens? If BMV fails to do their job, voter integrity is in jeopardy. In addition, BMV is the responsibility of SOS, which could potentially be a conflict of interest.


  • Allows SOS to continue to mail unsolicited applications for absent voter’s ballots at a wasted cost to taxpayers that influences electors to vote absentee under the disguise of convenience, and allows bad actors to intercept and fill out fraudulent applications that may lead to phantom votes. Also, what happens to undeliverable applications?


  • Allows absent voter’s ballots returned by mail to arrive at BOE by 4th day after election to be counted, which increases the potential for no election results on election night & the potential for phantom votes to be inserted for 4 days beyond the close of polls.


  • Allows ‘secure’ outdoor drop box on the premises of BOE in each county with specific administrative requirements when prior LAW did not allow ANY drop boxes.Yes, drop boxes have been used in previous elections - BUT THEY WERE NEVER LEGISLATED, AND THEREFORE WERE POTENTIALLY ILLEGAL! Why were they allowed? Our courts are corrupt as well. 


  • Emphasizes the law that absent voter’s ballots returned to the board (includes drop boxes) must be delivered by the elector or listed relative – BUT there is no verification requirement


  • REQUIRES, instead of ALLOWS BOEs to process absent voter ballots before the close of polls on Election Day. This may provide information to bad actors as to the number of phantom votes that are needed to offset the absent voter ballots assure their selected candidate(s) win.


  • “Stays Silent” on this issue regarding clarifying whether absent voter ballots can be counted if they are returned to the board inside the return envelope but not inside the identification envelope. - in other words, this bill allows for the potential manipulation of absent voter ballots.

ohio buckeye logo.jpg does not endorse any candidate. Information on this site has been produced by

Ohio citizen volunteers researching Ohio's elections and is believed to be the Truth, but is not guaranteed.

Use discernment and do your own research to confirm. 

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