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Ohio Had Election Integrity Issues Long Before 2020
Widespread election integrity issues in Ohio didn’t just start with the 2020 presidential election.

The graph below by Ohio’s own Dr. Frank shows Election Turnout History in Ohio, comparing the voting age population, number of registered voters and ballots cast going back to 1976. Beginning in the early 1990’s, Ohio’s number of registered voters began rising significantly higher than the voting age population. Then in the early 2000’s, the Ballot Stuffing began where the new ‘phantom voters’ which infiltrated the voter registration rolls, injected upwards of 10% more ballots into presidential elections beginning and continuing through the 2020 presidential election. The Voting Age Population, Registered Voters and Ballots Cast pattern for all of Ohio is closely mirrored by many counties in Ohio. 
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Ohio Population, Registered Voters & Ballots Cast Analysis 1996-2020 

        Between the years 1996 and 2020, Ohio's population increased by around 450,000 from 11,243,000 to 11,693,000, including the correction for Ohio's 2020 Census Overcount. This represents a 4% increase in overall population over 24 years, although around half of all Ohio counties did not increase in population at all. Ohio's population gradually increased year to year except in 2020 due to the 2020 Census Overcount correction. The Voting Age Population in Ohio increased by around 650,000 between 1996 and 2020, from 8,358,000 to 9,124,000. Ohio's population is aging; the Voting Age Population increased from 74.3% of Ohio's total population in 1996 to 78%, of Ohio's population in 2020. Ohio's Voting Age Population increase between 1996 and 2020 averages 32,000 per year.
         Between the years 1996 and 2020, Registered Voters increased by more than 1.2 million from 6,837,000 to 8,074,000, an 18.1% increase over 24 years and around twice the increase of the Voting Age Population during the same period. Think about this:  if 75% of the increase in Voting Age Population between 1996 and 2020 registered to vote, around 750,000 additional existing Ohio 18+ year old's that weren't motivated to register to vote prior to 1996 would also have to register to vote to attain the increased Voter Registration count. In addition, there were massive swings in the Voter Registration rolls, increasing and decreasing by hundreds of thousands year-to-year while changes in Voter Age Population gradually increased. Ohio's Registered Voters increase between 1996 and 2020 averages 52,000 a year compared to Voting Age Population increase average of 32,000 a year.

        Between the years 1996 and 2020, Ballots Cast increased by more than 1.3 million from 4,638,000 to 5,974,000, almost 29% higher in 2020 than 1996 and more than twice the increase of Voting Age Population. Let's think about this too: If 75% of the increase in Voting Age Population between 1996 and 2020  registered to vote, around 850,000 additional existing Ohio 18+ year old's that weren't motivated to vote prior to 1996 would also have to vote to attain the increase in Ballots Cast between 1996 and 2020. Just like Registered Voters, there were also massive swings in Ballots Cast, increasing and decreasing by hundreds of thousands year-to-year while changes in Voter Age Population gradually increased. Ohio's Ballots Cast increase between 1996 and 2020 averages 56,000 a year compared to Registered Voter average of 52,000 a year compared to Voting Age Population average increase of 32,000 a year. 

        More LEGAL representation of Ohio citizens in our election process is desirable. The keyword is LEGAL.     
ohio buckeye logo.jpg does not endorse any candidate. Information on this site has been produced by

Ohio citizen volunteers researching Ohio's elections and is believed to be the Truth, but is not guaranteed.

Use discernment and do your own research to confirm. 

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