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 Content last updated JUNE 18, 2023 - Check back for updates.
Voters In Confirmation Status

A Notice is sent to a voter when registering to vote, when changing an address or when the board of elections requires additional information. When a voter’s Notice is not returned or returned undeliverable, the voter record is placed in ‘Confirmation’ status.

A Notice is also issued when a voter record doesn’t match BMV/SSA records and the voter record is placed in ‘Confirmation’ Status. 


As defined in the Ohio Elections Manual, a voter with a ‘Confirmation’ voter status is a fully qualified elector and is eligible to vote and appears in the pollbook on Election Day. They may be required to provide additional information prior to voting for the first time after receiving a Notice.


Following the Nov 2020 election, 72,000 of Hamilton County’s 600,000 registered voters were in Confirmation Status.

When removing Confirmation Status voter registrations from the voter turnout calculation:

·  Voter turnout changes from 72% to 82%.

.  Voter turnout in 12 Hamilton County precincts increased over 20% when the Confirmation status voters were removed from the calculation.

·  Voter turnout in 120 precincts changes to 90% or higher.

   Is it realistic that 9 out of every 10 registered voters in 120 precincts in Hamilton County voted in the 2020 elections?


 Following the Nov 2020 election, 9,260 of Wayne County’s 74,470 registered voters were in Confirmation Status.

When removing Confirmation Status voter registrations from the voter turnout calculation:

·  Voter turnout changes from 74% to 84%.

·  Voter turnout for one precinct (Wooster College area) increased from 15% to 38% (more than double the original voter turnout %).

    Is it possible to vote in Confirmation Status? YES

If voting from Confirmation Status and the appropriate information is received, is Voter Status supposed to change to ‘Active’? YES.

     Does this always happen?

Why do some voter registrations appear to flip from ‘Confirmation’ status to ‘Active’, then vote and flip back to ‘Confirmation’ following an election? 

ohio buckeye logo.jpg does not endorse any candidate. Information on this site has been produced by

Ohio citizen volunteers researching Ohio's elections and is believed to be the Truth, but is not guaranteed.

Use discernment and do your own research to confirm. 

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