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ABOUT US represents patriot volunteers located in all of Ohio, in which many are credible industry professionals, who are dedicated to uncovering the TRUTH in Ohio's election systems from registration, ballot casting, ballot counting and auditing. We collect and research Ohio election data and collaborate with election integrity groups across Ohio and our country.


As concerned citizens, we can no longer sit back and watch the demise of our state and country without taking action. Our single goal is an election system in which all eligible votes from Ohio citizens are cast and counted, and the rights of eligible citizens to have their votes counted are not diluted from votes cast by persons who are not eligible to vote.   

ohio buckeye logo.jpg does not endorse any candidate. Information on this site has been produced by

Ohio citizen volunteers researching Ohio's elections and is believed to be the Truth, but is not guaranteed.

Use discernment and do your own research to confirm. 

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