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2020 Ohio Voter Roll Observations
(source: Nov 3 2020 and Dec 4 2020 Ohio "official" statewide voter registration database)
It is unknown how many individuals are not US citizens that are registered and voting in Ohio as there is no citizenship verification for all forms of voter registration. 

It is unknown how many individuals who were not Ohio residents for a minimum of 30 days that are registered and voting in Ohio as there is no identity or address verification for all forms of voter registration. When registering to vote and voting in person, at minimum there is an individual in which to identify. When registering to vote online or by paper, or when submitting absentee ballots, there is no way to identify the individual registering or voting is the individual they claim to be. They could be bad actors subverting Ohio's election process. 

852,786 registered voters have no voting record in any election going back to the year 2000.
191,473 registered voters have no voting record in any election in over 6 years.
112,421 registered voters who registered prior to Jan 1 2014 and did not vote anytime after Jan 1 2014 were somehow motivated to vote in the middle of the COVID pandemic on Nov 3 2020. 

Non-voters on the voter rolls distort voter turnout %. If non-voters were removed from the voter rolls, there is a possibility of more than 100% voter turnout in precincts.

62,349 individuals voted in the Nov 3 2020 election with registration dates after Oct 5 2020 deadline to vote in the Nov 3 2020 election. 
44,127 individuals voted in the Nov 3 2020 election with registration dates of Nov 3 2020 and voted in the Nov 3 2020 election.

Note: A flaw has been discovered in the public access of data in the current voter registration system in which the data field 'registration date' may be updated when a registered voter has a change to their voter record when they vote (ie: address change). These voters are supposed to vote a provisional ballot and once verified, 'registration date' is updated on their voter record to election day. However, additional investigation is required as some counties have more voters with a 'registration date' after the deadline to vote in the 2020 election than ALL provisional ballots in the county (and likely not all provisional ballots will be due to voter record changes). As of June 2023, it does not appear the Secretary of State or any county Board of Elections has performed such an investigation.  

November 3 2020 Secretary of State "Official Report indicates:       8,073,829 registered voters and 5,974,121 ballots counted
December 4 2020 statewide voter registration database indicates:  8,118,052 registered voters and 5,953,662 ballots counted

It is possible for individuals to register to vote between the 29th day prior to an election and the month following an election, but 44,223 new voter registrations seems excessive. What is the source of all these new registered voters? Are they all legitimate? 

It is possible, but unlikely and unreasonable for individuals vote on Nov 3 and cancel their voter registration before Dec 4. What happened to the 20,459 ballots counted Nov 3 2020 and missing on the Dec 4 2020 voter registration database history?    

To date, it does not appear the Secretary of State or any county Board of Elections has performed such an investigation.  

Research indicates the oldest living person in the US is 113 years old. There are 1,333 individuals registered to vote in Ohio that are older than 113 years old, of which 203 voted in the Nov 3 2020 election. 

3,076 individuals who are 100 - 112 years old are registered to vote and 1,263 voted in the Nov 3 2020 election, 34 of them who voted on Nov 3 2020 didn't vote in any election for at least 20 years, but were somehow motivated to vote in 2020 during the COVID pandemic.

681,722 new voter registrations Jan 1 2020 - Oct 5 2020 (some have voter history, indicating they were previously registered, or had a change to their voter record (refer to registration date FLAW described below). 
328,173 new voter registrations Jan 1 2020 - Oct 5 2020 with no prior voting history going back 20 years
182,349 new voter registrations Jan 1 2020 - Oct 5 2020 and did not vote in the Nov 3 2020 election
  64,783 new voter registrations on Oct 5 2020 the last day to register and be eligible to vote in the Nov 3 2020 election
  12,971 new voter registrations on Oct 5 2020 the last day to register and be eligible to vote Nov 3 2020 and did not vote Nov 3 2020

Almost 700,000 new Ohio voter registrations were processed in 40 weeks between Jan 1 2020 and Oct 5 2020, which averages around 17,000 new registrations a week, or 3,400 new registrations each work day (5 days a week) in Ohio. That is a massive number of new registrations, highly unlikely in itself, but even more unlikely when taking into consideration a worldwide pandemic during the same time when 168,732 cases of  COVID-19 were diagnosed in Ohio during the same time period with almost 17,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths. There were strict lockdowns across Ohio during this time period, citizens of Ohio were living in fear of COVID-19, and political candidates were not able to personally meet, greet and rally potential voters as in previous years. Is it possible almost 8% of the entire voter registration rolls were added Jan 1 2020 to Oct 5 2020 under these conditions? Why would almost 200,000 go to the trouble to register to vote in between Jan 1 2020 and Oct 5 2020, then not bother to vote?  In regards to the new voter registrations that have no previous history of voting in any election in the past 20 years, a high occurrence of illegitimate votes have been proven in other states if voters do not have other recent voting history. What is the motivation for hundreds of thousands of Ohio citizens to register to vote in 2020, when they didn't register to vote in the 2016 presidential election or other presidential elections going back to the year 2000? Why are there so many voter registrations on the last day to register to vote and be eligible to vote in the Nov 3 2020 election? Why would almost 13,000 individuals go to the effort to register to vote less than one month before a presidential election and not vote?

Note: Actual new registrations are less than stated above due to a public access FLAW in the data field 'registration date', which may be updated when there is a change to a voter record. 

588,317 registered voters as of Nov 3 2020 who voted Nov 3 2020 as a 1st time voter (all ages) going back 20 years to the year 2000. 
368,085 registered voters as of Nov 3 2020 who voted Nov 3 2020 as a 1st time voter over the age of 23 going back 20 years.

There was very little change in Ohio's voting age population between 2016 and 2020; in fact, it may have decreased when considering the Census overcount correction; however, close to four-hundred thousand 1st time voters over the age of 23 (excluding 18-21 year old 1st time voters recently becoming of age to vote) had an opportunity to vote in previous presidential elections but chose not to. For some reason, they were motivated to vote in 2020, the year of the COVID pandemic when candidates had less opportunity to meet and rally the electorate. Is this realistic or is this an indication of inflated ballots cast? 

Source: Dec 4 2020 Ohio statewide voter registration data excluding Ottawa County 2020 vote record   

2 counties had more Registered Voters than 100% of the Citizen Voting Age Population.
8 counties had 95.1%-99.6% Registered Voters to Citizen Voting Age Population.
31 counties had 90%-94.8% Registered Voters to Citizen Voting Age Population.
total of 41 Ohio counties, almost half of Ohio's 88 counties, registered 9 or more out of 10 citizens
of voting age who resided in these counties. This is very highly unlikely to happen naturally.

In 2012 Ohio was sued by Judicial Watch and True the Vote for not maintaining clean voter rolls.
3 counties had more Registered Voters than 100% of the Citizen Voting Age Population, and
31 counties had 90% or more Registered Voters to Citizen Voting Age Population
View more information about the 2012 Lawsuit.

Registration Results OHIO all.JPG

Edison Timeseries with 117,000 Negative Votes for Trump in Ohio

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Edison Research is a vote-reporting firm that provides JSON live data feeds to many news outlets & other entities.   
The following are findings from Edison TimeSeries Data recovered on November 25, 2020 across the country:
  • A total of almost 4 million negative votes occurred between election night November 3 and the Edison


  • 1,006 of the 21,452 datapoints are negative votes 
  • Not all negative votes are corrected - e.g. New York deleted 500k+ votes on November 8, never to be recovered
  • Hawaii and Delaware are the only two states that lack negative votes  
  • 38 states have dumps (25,000 or more ballots) that dominate in Biden's favor; 7 states have dumps that dominate in Trump's favor, but they are largely the result of negative votes top 5 of Trumps
  • The graphs below show battleground states results and the largest outlier states being NY and CA, along with Ohio results showing a net Biden gain MAX at 178,328 and Trump Gain MIN at -116,527  
  • There was massive negative vote manipulation of electronic votes in the 2020 Presidential Election, including Ohio.

Live on CNN Election

Night as Trump receives almost 13,000 negative votes changing his total in FL from 4,703,730 to 4,691,080 at the same time Biden votes increase almost 18,000.  

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Startling Election Vote Spikes in Ohio with 160,000 Votes in Favor of Biden
A team of unpaid scientists produced the report 2020 Presidential Election Startling Vote Spikes which describes a batch of votes with a time stamp of 11-04 00:44:11 that is over 10 times larger than the standard deviation, which corresponds to a probability of occurrence of 1 in 10 to the 25th power (=1/10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000). The size of the Trump vote increase is 206,713. That of Biden is 366,894. The difference is 160,181 votes in favor of Biden. A 'dump' is defined as a 25,000+ vote differential between Presidential candidates received/recorded at one time.
vote spikes graph 1.JPG
vote spikes graph 2.JPG

Dr. Frank's Analysis ~ Algorithms Programmed to Manipulate US Voter Data

A brilliant Ohioan with scientific, electronic, and software expertise, Dr. Douglas Frank discovered a strange algorithmic pattern that enabled him to accurately predict Voter Registration and Voter Turnout by age, with a very high degree of accuracy. The algorithm used in one county could be applied to many other counties in Ohio to predict their Voter Registration and Voter Turnout by age, too. He performed his analysis in many other states and discovered the same disturbing pattern based only on

US Census Bureau data. Having Registration and Turnout rates repeat

across numerous demographically-unique counties is an indication that

Voter Registration rolls and Votes themselves may have been

manipulated via a computer algorithm in the electronic voting machines.

In all cases where this has occurred, a forensic audit of the ballots,

software logs, election records, and voter rolls is highly necessary.  

Convenience over Integrity.  
Why are legislators and election officials
trying to make our elections even LESS secure?
dr frank 4 video.JPG

Seth Keshel's Trend Analysis ~ 88,000 Potential Fraudulent Votes in Ohio

Seth Keshel oh-map.jpg
Seth Keshel oh-stats.JPG

Former US military intelligence officer and statistical analyst Seth Keshel analyzed the trends of voter registrations versus actual votes and discovered alarming anomalies in a number of counties, ones that defy typical historical trends.  

Heading 6
What Happened in Ohio between 1:23am and 5:43am November 4, 2020?
                      The TRUTH You Didn't Hear on Fake News: "Edison Zero" 
On the 3:04am timestamp overnight following the November 3, 2020 election, the Edison Research vote total for every single county in Ohio changed to zero (0) regardless of the election machine used to tabulate the votes. For 2 hours and 39 minutes, totals for all precincts and counties in Ohio remained at zero (0).Then the 5:43am timestamp shows the vote total for every single county in Ohio reverts back to exactly the same total as they were at 1:23am. WHAT HAPPENED?  It has been reported that states across the country experienced this same problem, except the timestamps in which all vote counts changed to zero (0) were different, and in some states, vote counts changed dramatically once reloaded.  It's been over 2 years following the November 3, 2020 election, yet no explanation has ever been given.
The graph below shows the vote count drop to zero in Ohio.
How can We The People have confidence in an Election System that has the ability to manipulate vote counts like this? 
.edison ballot counting chart.JPG
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ohio buckeye logo.jpg does not endorse any candidate. Information on this site has been produced by

Ohio citizen volunteers researching Ohio's elections and is believed to be the Truth, but is not guaranteed.

Use discernment and do your own research to confirm. 

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