Sharing the Truth about Ohio Elections by Citizen Volunteer Researchers
Virtually all states have serious election integrity issues, including Ohio. Once you see the data as we have, you cannot unsee. That is why we are here.
All light blue text are clickable links Content last updated DEC 12 2024 - Check back for updates
""Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away." - Elvis
Citizen patriot volunteers are needed in all 88 Ohio counties to help protect our rights to free and fair elections. Can you help? Contact Us
What can We the Citizens of Ohio do about this? Speak up! Let your legislators and Secretary of State know that it is UNACCEPTABLE for Ohio to not follow federal laws or the Ohio Constitution! Share with other Ohioans and encourage them to do the same. Only when We The People demand change from our government to truly serve the people, will this type of change happen.
*** WAKE UP OHIO !!! ***
Among the list of “rights” which would be created by this amendment:
automatic voter registration,
unchecked same-day voter registration and voting,
a signed declaration of identity to replace a voter’s photo identification,
multiple unregulated drop boxes and early voting locations throughout a county,
an extended post-election ballot return period,
unregulated expansion of early voting hours by county,
state-funded prepaid return postage for all absentee ballot applications and absentee ballots, and
a ban on the removal of inactive voter registration records, as required under current state and federal law, resulting in these registrations remaining on the rolls despite the voter having moved or died.
Imagine a county board of elections . . .
Where the Pledge of Allegiance is recited at board meetings only after a citizen request;
Where the door is locked at public meetings and free speech is limited to just 2 minutes;
Where over 8,300 more votes were certified than registered voters in 2008;
Where over 3,700 votes in 2020 were never reconciled from voters who registered after the deadline;
Where votes are counted from unreadable QR codes and machine technology is certified to 19 year old standards before the i-phone existed;
Where the Board takes an oath to uphold the state’s Constitution, then violates it by permitting unqualified persons to vote, diluting the votes of eligible voters and infringing on civil rights
Where noncitizens can register with an invalid ID, vote by mail and sign a petition to change the state’s Constitution using the same invalid ID;
Where voters move and vote in another state, request their previous voter registrations be cancelled, but still remain 4 years later
Where the Director admits duplicate registrations exist when someone registers twice with different forms of id because federal law isn’t enforced.
Where a Board member tells citizens who pay her salary that she doesn’t work for them;
Where a Board member states voter activity is allowed that violates Ohio law;
Where a Board member interrupts a citizen claiming a Secretary of State directive doesn’t exist – when in fact it does;
Where the Director and Deputy Director violate Ohio law by denying legal requests without board action;
Where citizens are directed to the Secretary of State regarding election issues only to find them unresponsive;
Where citizens are told to contact state legislators to improve election law, then oppose election integrity bills;
Where it is easy to vote and even easier to cheat;
Surely this couldn’t happen in the United States of America.
Unfortunately, this is reality at the Board of Elections in Butler County Ohio.
May God have mercy on We The People in the 2024 election.
Contact us if you have good or bad experience to share about your Ohio Board of Elections. The people have a right to know the truth.
10/5/2024 Ohio county elections officials are wrestling with mass voter registration challenges.
Is it 2020 Election Denialism or Election Truthism? As Elvis says, "Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away." The article didn't mention the 500 not so trivial duplicate voter registration correction requests (aka challenges) recently submitted to Butler County. Secretary of State directive expects 0% duplicates 14 days before an election. Butler County has a lot of work to do.
There has been unusually large numbers of US citizens registering to vote overseas and requesting absentee ballots and vote by mail. A 40% increase in the number of overseas ballots occurred between 2016 and 2020, and is likely to increase again in 2024. Are all of these legal US citizens
who happen to be living overseas?
There is not requirement for a copy of a photo id, proof of citizenship or residency verification. There are no safeguards that prevent someone from registering a fake person to vote with a fake address overseas. This can be done via email in some states.
There are no safeguards in our elections to prevent that fake person from requesting a fake ballot and submitting a fake ballot. This can be done via email in some states (not Ohio).
Only when We The People rise up and demand integrity in our elections will things change. We can no longer sit back and wait for someone else to fix our elections.
09/19/2024 Oklahoma has passed a new law that automatically removes voters from the voter rolls if they move to another state and obtain a new driver's license, thereby surrendering their Oklahoma license and ceasing to be considered an Oklahoma resident. A similar action in Ohio could remove between 100,000 and 200,000 voters who have moved out of state but remain on Ohio's voter rolls for a minimum of four years due to federal law. Currently, Ohio law allows these non-resident voters to participate in elections and cast mail-in ballots.
Contact the Secretary of State, your Ohio representative and senator, and urge them to support legislation similar to Oklahoma's , which would automatically remove individuals who move and obtain a new driver's license in another state.
In Ohio, anyone can register to vote, and vote by mail, even a pet.
Simply by entering a pet's name, any valid address in Ohio, any date of birth and any 4 numbers for last 4 digits in social social number on a paper voter registration form, a voter registration record is created. It doesn't matter if the address is a commercial building or a vacant lot, if the last 4 digits of social security number match a name on Social Security Administration records, or if it is a pet and not a real person.
Boards of Elections will then send a mail in ballot anywhere, as long as the same invalid information that was used to register a pet is entered when requesting a mail-in ballot. THE PET CAN VOTE IN OHIO. Although this is completely illegal and if caught, the person responsible will be referred for prosecution, THE VOTE FROM THE PET IS ALREADY COUNTED, AND THERE IS LITTLE REMEDY TO FIX THAT.
If this is unacceptable to you, it is imperative you Contact the Secretary of State, your state and US representatives and senators, and your Board of Elections.
In an effort to put as many election integrity processes in place prior to our November elections, Marcell Strbich has written an open “Letter to the Secretary of State (SoS).
In this letter he urges Frank LaRose to ensure that only legitimate and eligible voters participate in the upcoming fall elections, and he provides concrete actions that the SoS could take now.
We would like to amplify this letter and highlight it before the Ohio Legislators via this Align Act email campaign.
The Ohio Election Integrity Network is requesting your help to take action, highlight and inform legislators of tangible steps that the SoS is able to take to make our November 2024 election more safe and secure.
Please become an Advocate today!
08/15/2024 Jerome Corsi on Bannon's WarRoom announces that 13 states, including New York and Ohio, have voter registration software with algorithms (secret code) that allow for hidden mail in votes that are not real to rig elections, and plans to expose it using around a dozen NSA/CIA qualified code writers and code breakers to simulate this fraud unknown to county boards of elections.
08/15/2024 Jerome Corsi Town Hall in Medina, Ohio
New York based organization filed lawsuit in Ohio on August 8, 2024 to ensure a legal valid election in 2024.
United Sovereign Americans, Concerned Voters of Ohio, and various individual plaintiff voters, represented by Bruce L. Castor, III, of Thomas A. Will & Associates, have filed a federal lawsuit against the State of Ohio, Secretary of State Frank LaRose, state election officials, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, and United States Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding errors in the certified results of the 2022 election in Ohio which rendered those results unreliable.
The Plaintiffs cited 1,203,438 facially invalid registrations that accounted for 602,631 improperly counted votes, as well as a discrepancy of over 1 million more votes counted than voters who voted at the time of certification, and over 3,000 more votes counted than voters who voted when the election was later reconciled, exposing the plain fact that Ohio certified the election before all of the records were finalized correctly. Plaintiffs asserted in the suit the following:
1. Respondents have denied Petitioners’ right to a fair vote.
2. Respondents appear to have implemented procedures that have obscured the ability to audit the 2022 General Election, thereby rendering the outcomes factually unknowable at the time of certification.
3. Respondents have violated multiple federal and state laws, or negligently allowed such violations to occur, while loudly proclaiming the infallibility of Ohio’s election results.
4. Respondents insist the Petitioners have adequate voting rights, while simultaneously fighting from every conceivable angle to prevent Petitioners from attempting to protect those rights. Respondents’ collective actions in refusing to address the problem extinguish and undermine the very meaning of the right to vote in a fair democracy.
To learn more, read the full press release, or the filing.
"Someone is trying to defraud the elections process in Hamilton County"
Watch a clip of Hamilton County Board of Elections meeting July 9, 2024 here.
Black Fork Strategies is conducting voter registration drives throughout the state of Ohio. There are a number of voter registrations submitted by this organization that appear to be suspicious:
1) Two new registration forms were submitted for existing Hamilton County voters, changing their address without their knowledge. When these voters visited the Hamilton County Board of Elections, they confirmed they did not complete the forms. Why is this important? It is identity theft; an absentee ballot can now be requested and mailed to the fraudulent address. If the genuine voters try to vote in person, they might be told they have already voted absentee. Although they will have the opportunity to cast a provisional ballot, Ohio law requires that the ABSENTEE BALLOT be counted if is considered valid, and not the PROVISIONAL BALLOT.
2) A voter registration was received in the name of Henry Kissinger and added to Hamilton County voter rolls; The Board of Elections later compared identifying information against BMV records which returned a mismatch on every item. It has since been
removed from Hamilton County voter rolls. Why is this
important? It highlights a significant issue: there are
currently NO verifications to ensure the person named
on a voter registration form is a real, eligible voter -
meaning a US citizen, a resident of Ohio and of legal
voting age. While this registration was flagged due to
the name and subsequently identified as fraudulent, it
raises a larger question: How many other registrations with common names might be fraudulent but have not yet been detected? There could potentially be hundreds of thousands of such records on Ohio's voter rolls.
3) A stack of voter registration forms, all seemingly written in the same handwriting, were submitted and added to Hamilton County voter rolls. Why is this important? It highlights a serious deficiency in Ohio's current voter registration systems, which allows voter records to be created for persons who may not be verified as eligible to vote in Ohio. While it is unclear whether these questionable registrations are still on Hamilton County's voter rolls, the broader concern is how many other ineligible voter records might exist across Ohio.
08/03/2024 The Gateway Pundit - Here We Go Again: Ohio BOE Asks SOS to Investigate Black Fork Strategies for Alleged Registration Fraud . . .
08/02/2024 Fraud Alleged for Suspicious Voter Registrations by KenMcEentee
08/01/2024 True The Vote reports in 2023 Ohio's Cuyahoga County BOE issued a formal request to the SOS Public Integrity Division for investigation of suspicious voter registrations which includes reregistering voters who didn't initiate the request. Now in 2024, Hamilton County is experiencing similar issues from the same NGO Black Fork Strategies.
07/28/2024 Citizen advocate Marcell Strbich interview with Jack Windsor regarding Hamilton County voter registration fraud.
08/13/2024 The nation's best hackers found vulnerabilities in Ohio's election systems, but there is no time to fixe them before November 2024 election.
08/01/2024 Bannon's WarRoom - New Your based United Sovereign Americans filed a civil right complaint lawsuit in Ohio asking federal courts to enforce the law regarding voter registration for the 2024 election. Ohio voter rolls are riddled with false registrations, including one out of every three votes in the November 2022 election in Franklin County registered to vote on January 1, a federal holiday in which all Boards of Elections are closed. This was the election in which Ohio amended its Constitution in favor of lax abortion laws, supposedly. Are these votes legitimate? At minimum, they need investigated.
08/04/2024 Ohio election report by New York organization claims 1 million voter irregularities
01/19/2024 Ohio's 2022 General Election Validity Scorecard
08/01/2024 Secretary of State LaRose announces 499 noncitizens removed from voter rolls, Did you know there are likely many, many more noncitizens on Ohio's voter rolls? Did you know over 830,000 people registered to vote in Ohio with the last 4 digits of social security number, yet Ohio's noncitizen review doesn't check Social Security records? Did you know the next annual noncitizen review required by Ohio law won't happen until the year 2025? Did you know there are over 236,000 noncitizens with Ohio driver's licenses or state id's and none of them are prevented from being added to Ohio's voter rolls? Ohio Secretary of State can and must do more to prevent noncitizens from voting in Ohio elections.
As concerned citizens across Ohio urge our legislators and Secretary of State to take meaningful actions to enhance the integrity of our elections by ensuring voters are verified as eligible before adding them to the Ohio voter rolls, citizens are not resting.
In many Ohio counties, volunteers are researching and rectifying inaccurate in the county voter rolls.
Approximately 180,000 Ohio voters have moved to another state, yet many still appear on Ohio voter rolls. While the Secretary of State has initiated a program to share data with three states to remove duplicate registrations, Ohio citizen volunteers are collaborating with volunteers from more states to share publicly available voter roll data.
Despite actions taken by the Secretary of State to clean up voter rolls before the November 2024 election, many thousands of other ineligible voter records persist across Ohio. Issues include:
duplicate registrations,
discrepancies in driver's license or state ID numbers compared to BMV records,
mismatches in name, address, or date of birth with BMV records,
discrepancies in the last 4 digits of social security numbers compared to SSA records,
mismatches in name or date of birth with SSA records,
voters listing PO Boxes and UPS mail store addresses as residential address (which is illegal in Ohio),
deceased voters
Ohio law permits citizens to challenge the eligibility of voters and request corrections to the registration list. Citizen volunteers are leveraging this law and the research provided by dedicated Ohio citizens to request county Boards of Elections to remove ineligible voter records as mandated by federal and state laws. This effort will continue until Ohio legislators and the Secretary of State address the underlying issues allowing ineligible voters to be added to Ohio voter rolls and remain on Ohio voter rolls.
We need your assistance! Achieving fair and free elections across all Ohio counties requires eligible voters only in all counties. If you have computer skills and are familiar with Excel spreadsheets, please contact us! A few hours of your time can lead to the removal of dozens of ineligible voters on Ohio voter rolls.
Did you know . . .
Slideshow of Ohio Elections Issues & HB472 Ohio Votes Count Act Solutions
SLIDES 1-20 SLIDES 21-40
SLIDES 41-60 SLIDES 61- 87
Ohio Elections Quick Facts and HB472 Ohio Votes Act Solutions
press # for more details
1. Register to vote in person at the BMV
2. Vote in person at the polls
3. Purchase alcohol
4. Purchase cigarettes
5. Rent a hotel room
6. Purchase some cold medicines
7. Get a job
8. Drive a car
9. Buy a cell phone
10. Get on an airplane
11. Buy a "M" rated video
12. Get married
But not to register to vote online or by paper form?
But not to vote by Absentee Ballot by Mail in Ohio?
Contact Ohio Secretary of State,
State Representatives and Senators.
Demand photo-id for ALL voter registrations and ALL ballots NOW!
This has to be fixed BEFORE NOV 2024!
It is in our state constitution.
of Ohioans voted overwhelmingly for this in Nov 2022.
Can non-citizens still vote in Ohio in March 2024?
Contact Ohio Secretary of State,
State Representatives and Senators.
Demand EVERY eligible Ohio voter on Ohio's Voter Rolls be verified as US citizens NOW!
This has to be fixed BEFORE NOV 2024!
View more information on how non-citizens can currently register and vote in Ohio HERE.
Heading 6
* * * UNBELIEVABLE * * *
137 noncitizens were identified during the 2024 SOS annual noncitizen review after being identified as noncitizens TWO TIMES. If a noncitizen fails to respond to two notices by the SOS, the noncitizen is removed from Ohio voter rolls. RATHER THAN BEING REFERRED TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR POTENTIAL PROSECUTION FOR ILLEGALLY REGISTERING TO VOTE, THE NONCITIZEN CAN RE-REGISTER AND CAST A PROVISIONAL BALLOT IN THE NOVEMBER 2024 ELECTION, WHICH WILL BE COUNTED AS LONG AS THE NONCITIZEN ONCE AGAIN ATTESTS TO BEING A US CITIZEN. View details here.
HB472 Ohio Votes Act Summary
Big Picture Issues:
Election officials are not computer specialists, but elections rely heavily on computer technology.
Even when known to be ineligible, a voter registration generally requires 4 or more years to be removed.
Voting systems are built and certified to outdated 2005 security standards.
Ohio elections lack safeguards to prevent 267,000+ non-citizens from registering and voting.
Board of Voting System Examiners
ISSUES: The Board lacks cybersecurity expertise and certification standards for voter registration systems.
Include cybersecurity experts on the board of voting system examiners.
Establish standards and require certification of new voter registration systems.
Cybersecurity review is necessary to certify a new voting system.
Require publication of voting system certification reports and recommendations.
Require voter registration systems to be physically located in Ohio in a facility under the board of elections control.
Cybersecurity Standards
ISSUES: Election systems security standards are outdated.
Use 3rd party reviewers to conduct a cyber security assessment of voting systems seeking certification.
Adopt voting system certification standards based on most recent National Institute of Standards & Technology and federal guidelines.
Require a periodic review and voting system vendor disclosure of software development practices as part of a continued certification security review.
Require use of a digital blockchain ledger to log all voter registration system changes.
County Voting System Backup
ISSUES: No contingencies exist if a voting system is decertified.
Authorize a county opt-in provision for hand counted paper ballots through passage of an electorate introduced ballot petition initiative.
Election Administration
Requires most people to register to vote using an Ohio driver's license or state identification card number.
Requires most voters to include a copy of their voter identification when returning a mail-in ballot.
Requires a provisional ballot to be counted when both a provisional and absentee ballot are cast.
Requires an elector to sign a form when updating their voter registration.
Requires online publishing of voter election reports.
Voter Registration Data Validation
ISSUES: State and county voter registration systems contain numerous avoidable data entry errors.
Use reference lists of names and addresses to verify new and existing voter registration records.
Issue weekly reports to counties identifying various errors in their voter registration databases.
Before adding an applicant to the voter registration database, require the voter registration to match the information on the applicant’s driver’s license or state id card.
Cancel voter registrations for electors who have moved if they are registered to vote or have applied for a driver’s license in another state.
Simplify the system for assigning unique record identifiers in the statewide voter registration database.
Use a commercial service for monthly voter registration data analysis.
Audit Voter Registration Databases
ISSUES: The current audit is not independent or thorough.
Require the Auditor of State to conduct an annual audit of the statewide voter registration database and three randomly selected counties.
Identity and Citizenship Verification
ISSUES: There are insufficient safeguards to prevent non-citizens and ineligible persons from registering and voting.
Increase the frequency of review for non-citizens and other ineligible voters.
Provide counties with resources to verify identity and citizenship prior to registration and for absentee and provisional ballot screening.
Expand voter registration instructions to include citizenship and other eligibility requirements.
Introduce safeguards and procedures at social services, BMV and registration agencies to ensure noncitizens are not misled into illegally registering to vote.
Require an elector to vote a provisional ballot until US citizenship is verified.
Applicants are added to Ohio Voter Rolls BEFORE they are VERIFIED as ELIGIBLE to Vote in Ohio
220,000 Ohio non-citizens have driver licenses/state id's
Driver License/State Id number,
Last 4 digits of social security # (SSN4)
Name, Address and Birth Date
Over 800,000 non-matched SSN4s in Ohio since 2011
Some verifications occur AFTER being added to the Ohio Voter Rolls, but once added to Voter Rolls, it is very difficult to remove, even if the person was never eligible.
Contact Ohio Secretary of State,
State Representatives and Senators.
Demand all applicants be verified as eligible voters BEFORE adding them to Ohio voter rolls NOW!
This has to be fixed BEFORE NOV 2024!
View more details HERE.
Federal law requires county Boards of Elections to verify persons who cast Provisional Ballots to ensure they are eligible to vote when they show up at the polls and their names are not on the poll books.
Problem is, county Boards of Elections do not have the capability to verify US citizenship.
County Boards of Elections and the Secretary of State, as the chief State election official, are in NONCOMPLIANCE of federal laws, Ohio law and
the Ohio State Constitution, all of which require US Citizenship to be eligible to vote in Ohio.
Contact Ohio Secretary of State, State Representatives and Senators.
Demand US citizenship of each elector before counting their ballot NOW!
This has to be fixed BEFORE NOV 2024!
View more details HERE
The truth of Ohio Elections as described by Ohio citizen Election Integrity researchers.
Click on a link to download a one page Infographic on the subject,
then SHARE THE TRUTH across all of Ohio!
Persons outside of Ohio or outside the US who use a fake address in Ohio to register – even if this person is flagged for an invalid address, this person CAN SIGN A PETITION FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO ABORT A FULL-TERM BABY OR SIGN A PETITION TO ALLOW THE HONOR SYSTEM BE USED FOR ANYONE TO VOTE IN OHIO
AI technology – thousands of paper voter registration applications can be added to Ohio voter rolls using any four numbers as the last four digits of social security number, any name, any birth date, and a large college dorm, apartment building or nursing home address without a room number in which an Acknowledgement Notice is not likely to be returned to the BOE undeliverable. These illegally added AI electors, who are not live persons residing in Ohio, HAVE THE ABILITY TO VOTE IN ALL OHIO ELECTIONS.
Persons outside of Ohio or outside the US who use an address in Ohio that are not their own to register, perhaps of a large college dorm, apartment building or nursing room address – THESE PERSONS CAN VOTE AN ABSENTEE BALLOT FROM OUTSIDE OF OHIO OR OUTSIDE THE US
Persons who haven’t voted in more than 10 years
Persons who are deceased
Persons who are older than the known living person in the US
Persons who use driver license/state id (DL/ID) number as identification to register and DL/ID is not found on Bureau of Motor Vehicle (BMV) records
Persons who use last four digits (SSN4) as identification to register and SSN4 is not found on Social Security Administration (SSA) records
More than one person with the same DL/ID or SSN4 number.
Persons whose voter registration Name does not match DL/ID or SSN4 used to register
Persons whose voter registration Address does not match DL/ID used to register
Persons whose voter registration Address is not a residence at all, such as UPS Mail Store
Persons whose voter registration Birth Date does not match DL/ID or SSN4 to register
Persons whose voter registration Birth Date is under age 18 at the next general election
Persons whose registration date is before being born, too young to be eligible to vote, or older than 120 yrs
Persons who may not meet Ohio’s 30 day residency requirement
Persons who are a duplicate of another voter registration in Ohio, perhaps with a slightly different name, middle name/initial, or address
Persons using the identity of another person to register
Persons who permanently moved outside of Ohio
Persons who permanently moved outside of Ohio and registered to vote in another state
Persons who permanently moved outside of Ohio and are voting in another state
Persons who live at college dorms who are 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years old
Persons with numerals or odd special characters in their Name
Persons with odd special characters in their residence Address
Persons who register without a handwritten signature
Persons who change their birth dates . . . on multiple occasions
Persons who change their middle name to middle initial then back to middle name
. . . and many, many more invalid voter registration electors with the ability to vote in all Ohio elections.
Contact information for Ohio Secretary of State, House of Representatives and Senators here.